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The Davissa Journal

Are you doing it all wrong?

Have you fallen victim to buying a new hair product only to try it once or twice and find that it is not for you? Too heavy or has no effect perhaps? Fear not, for we at Davissa understand your pain and have a made a list of tips and tricks to help find your happy hair product medium.

Shampoo saver

Do you only wash your hair once and condition it roots and ends? Well if you answered yes I’m sorry but you are doing it all wrong, especially if you go a few days without washing. The trick to getting the most out of your shampoo is to wash twice, working small amount into very wet hair. The first wash may not lather up and you may want to reach for the bottle and soak all that cleanliness in. But, like most things in life less is more my friends. The second wash is when you will get that squeaky, foamy feeling as the first wash only loosens the dirt whilst the second really cleanses the grime. Which brings us to the next point- you wouldn’t want to ruin all that hard work you just put into your locks would you? Hence the idea that conditioning from the roots will only make your hair feel oily again. The trick here is to only apply conditioner from mid lengths to ends. Another tip, squeeze excess moisture out before you apply conditioner which will in turn save your precious product from escaping down the drain. 

Be stingy

Bringing back the idea that less is more, there is nothing worse then washing your hair and going to the effort of styling only to realise “whoops maybe that was to much product”. Our top tip here, use less product first then add more if you feel the need. Most of the time we are a little heavy handed and use much more then then we actually need. The idea of product is to enhance what we already have and as an added benefit you will get longer out of the product the less you use it. On another note, the directions on the back are only a guide as everyones hair is different. Someone with finer hair would use a different amount to someone with thicker hair. It’s all about trial and error. Don’t give up and push it to the back of the shelf on the first go!

Know your hair type & do your research 

Certain products work better for certain hair types. The tip here is to make sure you know your hair type and what a product can do for you. By the term hair type we mean if you hair is fine or thick or somewhere in between. Is it oily, is it dry or is it just lacklustre? You need to know what you want from your hair like in any healthy relationship and not go into it blind sided and unsure. You must also know what you want from the product too, no point in spending your coin on a volumiser if volume is not really what you are looking for. Unsure of how to categorise your hair or products? Use the worldwide web to you advantage! There is so much information out there and your trusty friends Google and YouTube can lead you in the right direction. Try searching the terms “how to know your hair type” and “what products work for me” and you are well on you way to expanding you hair care knowledge and like they say…knowledge is power. 

Use us to your advantage

Didn’t find what you were looking for on the Internet or are not technologically savvy? Don’t forget us girls at Davissa are always here to answer any of your questions. Next time you are in the salon don’t be afraid to ask us your hair care questions, no question is to big or too silly. We are always more then happy to help 🙂

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